A Temporal Chronology of the Primes
A KnSWiki wikiből
Year Converter
Current Year
- Spelljammer 5054 OC
- Olven Chronicon [OC] Adopted by spelljamming elves from the Olven Calendar of Oerth.
- Planescape 131 Ha
- Sigil - Factol Hashkar's Reign [Ha]
- Az Ősök Földje 25 ŐK
- Az Ős-Szövetségek Kora [ŐK]
- Forgotten Realms 1372 DR
- Dale Reckoning [DR]
- Al-Qadim Year 597
- 14 PR Present Reckoning - Time of Troubles in 1358 DR (0 PR)
- Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3ed History ends 1372 DR (Shieldmeet) Campaign begins: Midsummer
- 1347 CR Cormyr Reckoning, 340 NR North Reckoning, 5231 NY Netheril Years, 3921 UC Ulutiun Calendar, 2106 UY Untheric Calendar, 2460 WY Waterdeep Years, 3506 MC Mulhorandi Calendar
- Greyhawk 592 CY
- Common Years [CY]
- 5054 OC Olven Calendar, 1236 OR Oeridian Record, 6107 SD Suloise Dating, 3251 BH Baklunish Hegira, 2742 FT Flan Tracking
- Dragonlance 3 SC
- Saer Cataclius [SC] Secundus Cataclius or "Second Cataclysm"
- 386 AC (Alt Cataclius or “after the Cataclysm [AC])
- Dark Sun 9 FY
- Free Year [FY]
- World's Age and King's Age
- 77 éves ciklusokban működik FY 1-től tart a 190th King's Age, Priest's Defiance (Y26)
- 190th King's Age
- Ral's Reverence (Y34)
- Ravenloft 756 BC
- Barovian Calendar [BC] (domain of Barovia)
- 2143 FC Forfar Calendar (domain of Forlorn), 1709 LC l'Morai Calendar, 490 MC Mordentish Calendar (Mordent)